Diana Strebel
Vice-President of the Board of Directors
„The result is an entirely new bank that does the things a bank should do; namely, generate value, advocate values and take clients more seriously than oneself“
Diana Strebel is an independent entrepreneur and is a member of the Boards of Directors of Emmi AG and Ricola AG. She has spent many years and gained broad experience in the fields of communication, advertising and brand management.
Previously, she was head of Interbrand Zintzmeyer & Lux AG in Zurich and COO of Interbrand Europe, CEO of Wunderman AG in Zurich and held the position of Deputy Chairman and Chief Strategist of Publicis-Group. Prior to its merger with Publicis, she was also co-owner and general manager of Aebi, Strebel AG.
Prior to its merger with Publicis, she was also co-owner and general manager of Aebi, Strebel AG.
As a long-standing member and chairwoman of bsw leading swiss agencies Switzerland’s federation of communications agencies, she has lent that organisation her professional know-how for more than 10 years.
Diana Strebel studied business administration at the University of St. Gallen and, in post-graduate studies in 2005, earned a Dual Master of Science in Marketing from the GSBA and University of Wales.
“After my earnout from a merger in 1998, I was faced for the first time with the question of how my newly gained wealth could be managed best. Ten years and two financial crises later, I stood there with less in my pocket than I had before – in stark contrast to my private bank, which always earned a pretty penny even in times of crisis. That’s when I, like most other people, lost trust in banks as a whole. When I met Reto Ringger and his team in 2009, we started from scratch: with a new business model and the resolute integration of sustainability across all asset classes. The result is an entirely new bank that does the things a bank should do; namely, generate value, advocate values and take clients more seriously than oneself. That’s pretty convincing to a lot of people – especially many a wealthy (wo)man.“